Details (and protocol) for LegacyNet
These documents provide further details on the LegacyNet experiment.This document provides a detailed protocol for the LegacyNet experiment. This document should be read in detail by members before establishing their experiment, and again before establishing their follow-on crop.
Version 14 of the protocol was posted on 2nd November 2023.

The data from each LegacyNet site much be recorded in this common recording spreadsheet. All members should familiarise themselves with this spreadsheet prior to their first harvest.
The structure of the data recording template should not be altered at all (e.g., don't add / remove columns, or change column names; however, rows can be added as required for additional treatment plots).
Please read all instructions on the first sheet before use.
2nd November 2023: Please note that the cereal follow-on crop sheet has been updated, a maize follow-on sheet has been added and a soil information sheet has been added to the template. Please copy the relevant sheets to your data master file. Please contact us if you have any queries or need any assistance with this.
Please send your most recent dataset by email to Caroline Brophy ( and James O'Malley (

Weather data from each LegacyNet site should be recorded in this spreadsheet
The structure of the data recording template should not be altered at all (e.g., don't add / remove columns, or change column names; however, columns may be added as required at the end of each sheet).
Please read all instructions on the first sheet before use and fill in any required information at the top of each sheet.
Please send your data by email to Caroline Brophy ( and James O'Malley ( after the grassland phase and again after the follow-on phase.

This Excel file should be filled out by all members and sent to the LegacyNet Directors prior to sowing. The purpose is to confirm the dimensions of
plots and field layout of the experiment and ensure uniformity across sites.
Please make sure to send this before you establish and allow time for some discussion, should it be needed.

This Excel file will assist with determining how much seed is to be sown in each plot, and how much seed will be needed for
the whole site. It may be useful to memebers who are planning to sow at their site soon.